Web 2.0: When do you use a forum, a blog, Jotspot, Writely, a wiki, or a full web 2.0 platform?

(For the most recent articles on Web 2.0, check out my full Web 2.0 articles category.)

I’m working on a lot of projects lately that have caused me to ask this question and to try to get really clear on what each tool does and does not do well so that I can use the appropriate tool for the task at hand. Here is what I have come up with so far:

By the way, it has not escaped my attention that a better place for me to post this would be in a wiki so that I could have all of you come in and add your thoughts to it so that we could collectively build a better table.

But I don’t have a wiki (yet) so this will have to do for now.

More and more, I see that I am going to have to move my blog over onto a Bryght platform so that I can do all of the things I want to do.