Tell me what you love/hate about my blog

I keep seeing my numbers going up and up on my blog but because of the anonymous nature of the subscriptions and browsing, it does not have the intimacy of a mailing list where I can connect with the readers as well.

So for those of you who find this, and who are so inclined, I have some questions for you:

– is it better if I post the whole article or the excerpt?
– do you normally read this at my website ( or via an aggregator like or
– are there areas that I cover well that I should cover more often?
– areas I cover poorly that I should cover less often?
– with the plethora of tech & biz blogs out there, why do you read this one?
– how did you find me?

Don’t feel like you have to answer all of these but it would be great to get some comments or some direct email to talk with some of you who regularly read the site. You can email me at <troy at domain name>