Corporate blogs will double in 2006;

Jupiter Research reported in June 2006 that 34% of all large companies have deployed blogs and a further 35% will deploy them by the end of 2006, totalling 70% of large companies. I find those numbers shockingly out of touch with my experience and reading. It would be interesting to dive into this report in more detail.

My company has deployed blogs internally and a small group of us are pushing for full public blogs as soon as possible. At this point, it’s an embarassment not having them. Remember the old days when companies said things like “we only need one email per employee?” Yikes. As the Cluetrain guys would say, there is a conversation going on and we’re not in it.

However, there seems to be a groundswell of support from the many parts of the organization that want to communicate more closely with their particular audience. Stay tuned. Hopefully I’ll have my second blog over there soon so that I can move the enterprise software stuff onto that blog rather than post it here.